Sergey Molchanov, molchanovserg.
To the memory of my mother is dedicated.
«My ignorance gives birth to
open-mindedness …»
(Hypothetical fiction.)
(Certificate of copyright registration for the work №13946 from 22.08.2005.)
English version.

Universe — hypothetical fiction — part 1
When I heard Boris’ story, I thought it was another example of schizophrenia among my acquaintances. Earlier, when we were studying at the Institute, I had rented an apartment with him. He, like me, was fascinated by the problems of telepathy. He and I even became somewhat proficient at it through trial and error. I, after our lessons in telepathic transmission of images and sensations, was even able to practice quite well in pairs with the clairvoyant during a session of executing his mental commands when I was resting at an international youth camp on Lake Sevan. I had not seen Boris since I graduated from the Institute. So when I heard him on the phone, I immediately agreed to meet him. He told me that for several years he had been overcome by a manic longing for the same place on the steep shore of the Dnieper-Bug estuary. The intensity of the feeling, he said, increased significantly the closer he got to that place. It was obvious that Boris needed my help.
In short, the next day we went to that area together, which I naturally treated with a great deal of irony, but I did not have the firmness to refuse. Up to a certain point I felt absolutely nothing, until Bob suggested that we try to «get in touch» with each other, just like in the old days. What happened to me stunned me. It was as if an access had opened up, both to the contents of my brain and to my brain to … I called it I.R. then, but of a directional nature, a wide and voluminous tunnel. The I.R. felt like an information abyss. The telepathic connection was so strong that it took my breath away. After I came to my senses, I was able to switch the connection on and off quite easily. The direction was, of course, the same as Boris had indicated. After discussing the situation, the two of us could easily determine not only the direction of the phenomenon, but also its coordinates.
To our surprise, the spring was within our reach — forty meters from the shore and at a depth of six to seven meters. Asking myself how to get there, I «felt» the request to perform certain actions of this object. Having created in my imagination the direction of the object’s vertical upward movement, a huge layer of the coastal slope was blown up in the area of the I.R. source. As it moved upward, the edges of this layer broke off and fell downward. Bob and I had to scramble away from the rolling rocks and chunks of clay. At a height of several meters, a huge light gray disk, fifty meters in diameter, floated in the air, with a cap of clay rock on top of it, which scattered and rolled down to the ground.
After the dust settled and we caught our breath from the extraordinary experience, I used my imagination to lower the disk to the ground. After mentally searching for the entrance in the same way, I opened it. However, we were in no hurry to enter, why, I think, everyone will understand, the unknown — frightening. But curiosity finally got the better of me:
- Bob, I’m ready to go in.
- So am I, — replied Boris, — let’s go together.
No, that’s not wise,» I thought, and said, «Draw lots.
The lot fell on me. I entered the cylindrical compartment and it closed. A faint glow appeared on the walls of the cylinder and the air changed as if after a thunderstorm. The cylinder opened on the other side.
In front of me was a long corridor with a steeply vaulted floor. As I stepped into it, I initially lost my balance. As I regained my balance and walked deeper into the corridor, I realized that the gravitational force was perpendicular to the floor, not vertically downward. On both sides of the transparent walls of the corridor and the ceiling was a dense, multicolored, apparently vegetation. There was a chair hanging about halfway down. I walked over to it and sat down. It began to rise. There was a round hole in the ceiling. As it went up, I felt myself getting lighter until I was weightless around the round hole in the ceiling, and further up, the chair flipped over and I sank to the other side of the ceiling, gaining weight in the exact opposite direction. I looked down, now up — the hole was closed, and under the transparent walls and ceiling of the cube-shaped room there was also vegetation, just like in the corridor. In front of me, on the transparent wall, a large screen with a text, more like an address, lit up:
The universe completes another cycle of stability. This is Armageddon. The galactic masses have stretched and warped space to the point where it is turning «inside out». As a result, gravitational forces will change direction and there will be a disintegration of galaxies and their constituent elements: stellar, planetary, satellite systems, etc. These masses will spread in all directions, forming new funnel-shaped compacting giant clusters until the moment of space «failure» and its subsequent «eversion» — explosion and formation of new galaxies.
Gravitational forces are a consequence of the curvature of space under the influence of the energy of material formations.
Translated with (free version)
The simplest diagrams of models of the universe:

You are in an apparatus created, if you will, by artificial and natural mind, although their nature is the same; the only thing they differ, besides the material formation, is the efficiency of using their activity. The apparatus has an artificial mind with a wide communicative arsenal of information communication up to instantaneous communication using gravitational fluctuations of space, as well as telepathic communication — this is the ability of the thinking organ to catch the wave perturbations of the mind field resulting from the functioning of thinking material formations (the whole range of perturbations of reasonable activity is placed in the mind field). The device is surrounded by two contours of the gravitational field generated by it: external — interacts with the surrounding world on the principle of the total component, with controlled force of interaction and polarity, allowing to develop any speed and acceleration; internal — to create a comfortable and stable internal gravitational component regardless of accelerations and speed of the device movement in space. In addition, the apparatus has an artificial and regulated plant complex to provide gas exchange, various nutrition, utilization and recycling of waste products.
It is impossible to determine the moment of Armageddon with sufficient accuracy, but the preceding gravitational fluctuations, however slight, provoke seismic activity of the Earth. Therefore, it is no longer safe to remain here.
There are two options to save not so much you as your descendants: to use speed to move in space-time either to the distant future, at the expense of near-light speed, to the formed renewed universe; or to the past, which is much easier and safer, you only need to develop a speed exceeding the speed of light.
You have the limited living space of the vehicle at your disposal to find a suitable expansion site, with provisions for up to one hundred people. If you agree to take charge of the mission, you will be the sole holder of command access for the time being.
I didn’t have my watch with me and I had lost my sense of time, so I was surprised that it was night. I didn’t see Boris, nor did I find his car. My head was full of the information I had received, mostly telepathically, the textual part was like a background synopsis. I felt deeply tired and really wanted to sleep. I couldn’t imagine how to get home now. The stray thought of going back to the machine came when the light of car headlights appeared in the distance. Boris arrived with two policemen. They stared silently at the huge disk lying there.
- Are you all right? — Boris asked hoarsely.
- I’m fine, I want to go home, and you brought her with you,» I said reproachfully.
- I was afraid for you, I went in there and disappeared,» he took offense.
One of the policemen was giving his impressions on the radio, then he came to us and said that we had to wait for our superiors. I asked him to tell them not to worry, and I went to the car to rest. Boris, who had calmed down and was now torn by curiosity, followed me. After we sat in silence for a while, he asked: - Well, what is it?
- An invitation to fly in space, — I added, a little quietly — forever.
- Why forever? — he was surprised.
- Difficult question, I told him, because there will probably be no place to return to.
- No earth?
After a moment of silence, I answered quietly: - Maybe there will be, but another one, not ours.
On this sad note, I fell into a dream.
A policeman woke me. It was already clear, although the sun had not yet risen. - They want to get information from you about the saucer, — he said.
A decent group of people had already gathered near the disc. A blond man in a civilian suit approached me and introduced himself: - I’m Sharov, head of the SBU department. I need all the information about this facility.
I did not like the tone of the address, so I replied:
- Don’t you want to get it from the object?
- In what way? — Sharov asked with tension.
- In the same way as I do. — I lied, and Sharov squeezed out even more tension:
- You do not want to help?
- With what? — I asked innocently.
- Okay. — Sharov pulled himself together and returned to his usual image. — You were inside the object?
- Yes, — I replied in a tone of voice.
- What did you see there?
- Well, in general, nothing terrible. A long corridor and a small room with a comfortable chair in which I sat for several hours, communicating mostly telepathically with the on-board computer.
- And what did you learn? — Sharov asked with some irony.
- About the imminent end of the world. — I found a reason to smile.
- What else? — Sharov asked with feigned caution.
- About the structure of the universe, — I smiled.
In short, our conversation was clearly not going well. My fatigue and the jumble of thoughts in my head were having an effect.
Sharov took a breath and asked:
- How do I get in there?
- Ask for it,» I replied briefly, adding seriously. — Mentally or telepathically. If he doesn’t let you in, it means he doesn’t want to. And I have nothing to add, I’m tired and I want to go home.
While Sharov was trying to get into the apparatus, several cars arrived, mostly with military men. When he told them something, I felt the «contact» and saw that the disk began to rise smoothly, but with increasing acceleration, higher and higher, until it disappeared. I knew — we had not yet separated.
The world field of spirit, matter, space, complex of interacting forces, implies the formation of clusters, symbiosis of energy of material and spiritual. The condition of symbiosis is corresponding material formations. Reproductivity of formations is a consequence of the accomplished symbiosis.
The world order of spirit triumphs from the top to the bottom as well as from the bottom to the top.
In this hierarchy of the development of the spirit from the elementary particles to the somewhat global formations of the universe, the human being in the complex, as a substance, probably occupies an intermediate and therefore unstable position. Two factors determine possible deviations from the equilibrium — the factor of isolation of an individual, which leads to degradation, and the second factor is the factor of civilization, subordination of an individual to society, which predetermines development, provided favorably formed rules, laws, external and internal.
The evolution of any substance presupposes an absolute mind and time vector in all its infinite manifestations.
!!! The stability of the universe is determined by the total stability of all infinite processes in time vectors, both evolutionary and regressive, in any point of time space.
The state of equilibrium for mankind in infinity is determined by the state of equilibrium of all things that determine the stability of the universe. The existence of mankind, as well as everything else, is predetermined, if not in this point of time-space, which also depends on mankind itself, so clearly in infinitely many others.
The equilibrium state of the human world is inherent in its isolation with all those necessary attributes of the social component, similar to, for example, atoms and molecules and the forces of interaction between them.
Interconnections are present on the entire scale of all things, from each element to infinite ultimate formations. The electron is an element of the atom, the atom is an element of the molecule, … man is an element of society, society is an element of the earth, the earth is an element of the solar system, the solar system is an element of the galaxy, ….. Each category in this list is both an element and a system with its own internal forces and external interactions: … interatomic, intermolecular, …, interhuman, …, interplanetary, interstellar, intergalactic, …. In this case, the interconnections dominate the internal forces that condition the aggression of absorption. The absorption of one by another is a universal law vertically. The loss or introduction of components destroys the local system, is its catastrophe, which contradicts the principles of stability of the universe, so it is a special case of the temporal component. The existence of an element due to internal forces outside the system, without its interconnections, is impossible. Hence the private observation of philosophy: man is an element of society whose existence outside its field is impossible.
However, the predetermination of the absorption process presupposes the formation of qualitatively more powerful systems at intermediate stages.
Stability as a whole does not imply stability of particulars, but determines closed cyclicity of processes. Cyclicity of processes of synthesis and disintegration of systems in space-time does not concern fundamental forces and their fields, which can only change the strength of orientation depending on redistribution of energy of material formations. This also concerns the field of the rational component in interaction with material formations. All phenomena, all processes in the universe, as well as the universe itself, exist in closed cycles, without beginning and end in time. Closed cycles of the universe are located in the entire space-time. Closed cycles of the elements of the universe, as well as of the human being in particular, are each located in its segment or sum of segments of time space, the rest of time simply falls out of the private cycle. Each of us, like everything in the universe, exists constantly and eternally in one of the stages of the infinite set of its cycles in infinite variations of their intersections. Each of us participates in a multitude of cycles at any given moment.
The laws of the universe are actually very simple and immensely complex in the infinite variants of their realization. Common sense assumes, based on simple mechanisms of the universe, to model processes at the level of the same interhuman relations, elementary and systemic connections of an individual, family, community, …, humanity. The mechanisms (motives) are similar at each level, but differ in their aggressiveness in interrelationships. The individual as a system is capable of analysis, but as an element of the following system is limited in these possibilities, so empirical methods are applicable here.
The evolution from the simple to the complex, in the space-time, from the element to the system, as well as at the level of the element itself, which accordingly predetermines a wider range of development of the subsequent system. The development of society, civilization is connected with the development of formations by attributes: individuality, family, nation, people, state, race, religion, etc. The problems of private, local character are transformed into problems of general order, so the problems of any of the formations become the problems of the whole civilization. However, the root of all problems of society is first of all in the individual himself, who in his turn is a reflection of the model of the universe, which predetermines the whole further course of evolution. Every question in a free, not in a given context, presupposes a variety of possible answers, depending on the time and place of its relevance. Therefore, in general, there is no ready-made set of answers to those questions for the individual and human society, which are therefore eternal from the moment of their appearance.
Evolution seems to be (in all things) the necessary condition for the existence of the material and the spiritual. If there is no limit to evolution, then eternity is conditioned; if there is, then the beginning and the end are conditioned. But there is another truth — against the background of eternity as a whole are the endless cycles of the beginning and end of particulars.
I.R. the so-called «artificial mind» is the same product of the evolution of the symbiosis of the material and the spiritual and has essentially a natural origin, only on the basis of a slightly different material formation and falls under the general laws of the universe.